We had the pleasure of catching up with Vikki Hutt who has two young children and suffered a serious brain injury in January at the age of 45 which, she says has changed her life “for the better”.
Vikki’s accident
On 14th January 2019 Vikki fell down the stairs in her home causing her to be knocked unconscious and leaving her children to call the police.
Billie-Mae, Vikki’s daughter told us “I ran up to my brother shouting ‘Mum’s dead on the floor, I don’t know what to do’”.
Vikki continues “My son Alfie called 999 and had to go outside to guide the ambulance to the house in the dark. I was taken straight to Broomfield’s hospital and referred straight on to Addenbrookes hospital, due to the seriousness of the brain injury. My family were told numerous times that I would never survive, my parents were told to find a care home for me because they thought I would have no memory and be incapable of living a normal life”. Billie-Mae told us how sad this made her and how she thought she would never have the mum she always wished for.
Vikki’s accident caused damage to her right frontal lobe, she broke the base and most of the right hand side of her skull. Vikki also had a subarachnoid haemorrhage and large hematomas on her right hand lower lobe.
Vikki pulled through at Addenbrookes but she was told she wouldn’t be able to walk again. The same day Vikki took her first steps. “It really is a miracle” added Vikki.
Life changed for the better
Before Vikki’s accident, she had a codeine and paracetamol addiction. “I was given painkillers at 18 when I had my back injury. Overtime I increased my dose with everything physically that went wrong.” This made Vikki drowsy all the time and really affected her and her children’s lives.
When Vikki woke up in hospital she was on morphine for the pain in her bones however after that Vikki refused all pain medication from the hospital because she was determined to turn her life around. “The nurses said how proud they were of me. They said I had done what none of their other patients could do”.
Vikki’s brother in law was one of many family members to visit her in the hospital. “When I first became conscious he said to me ‘Vikki this is the best conversation I’ve had with you for years, you need to stay like this’ and that’s what gave me the buzz to think I can recover and change my life around”. Vikki’s relationships with her entire family have dramatically improved since her recovery.
Billie Mae added “when I found out my mum was refusing the pills I thought I might have a chance to have the mummy I’ve always been wishing for”.
Life has completely changed for Vikki since the accident. She told us “I’m a different person to what I was before. I’m the mum that my kids have always wanted. Everything’s worth it. Having my two children is worth more than gold itself”.
Looking to the future
The recovery process at home was incredibly fast for Vikki. “I was told by a neurologist that I’m only the third person in the UK to recover to the level I have in this short space of time.” Vikki’s family were told to expect the worst so this is an incredible outcome for her and her family.
Personal goals for Vikki’s future include going back to work as a nurse as well as raising awareness for prescription drug addiction and helping people who are struggling as she was. Vikki already had 2 degrees, one in palliative care (end of life care) and another in oncology (cancer care) however she would like to do a PHD.
Vikki’s children also have bright futures ahead of them. Billy Mae hopes to become a dog handler for the police force and already has a place to spend an experience day with as fully qualified dog handler.
14 year old Alfie’s life and goals for the future have also changed since his mum’s accident. “The police have offered Alfie work experience as after my accident he decided that that is what he wants to do so he can help others also going through traumatic times. It’s completely changed his perspective and he’s actually done some research and decided that’s what he wants to do” Vikki told us.
This has been a traumatic time for Vikki and her family however they have come through as a family and are on the path to a happier and better life.
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