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After I left the Army in December 2012, I went back home to Zimbabwe. In 2014 I ventured into Gold mining.
It was while there that I was involved in a road accident, I was 44 years old. As a pedestrian I was apparently hit on the head by a truck. After the accident I lost everything that I had worked for I was taken to hospital in Zimbabwe and got admitted. After that I was then taken back to the UK to Colchester Hospital and then got transferred to Elm Park Hospital as part of my ongoing treatment.
During my treatment I met a lot of people and also had a lot of support from my family, my wife, brother and his family. The experience I had has actually changed my perception of life forever. There are things that people take for granted, like being able to walk, that obviously will never know what it’s like to lose these basic abilities and struggle to regain them.
I learnt about brain injury support at Headway Essex during my time at Elm Park, I mixed with a lot people who had gone through what I had gone through but in a different way. It gave me an opportunity to evaluate and compare my story and that made me realise that others had actually gone through worse situations and managed to get where there are today. That was a positive to me and helped me to drive forward to better health. The social factor also helped me, the interaction.
I’m now back into work on a part-time basis as a Chef. I was a Chef before. What I look forward to do in the future is finish my training in Health and Safety, update my skills I already have in Wood Technology and get back into full-time work.