The Colour5K, an event not to be missed!
For the 7th year in a row Headway Essex will be hosting the Colour5K on Saturday 29th June 2019. This year we are thrilled to have Attwells Solicitors as our event sponsor.
Whether you’re a casual walker or regular runner, want some fun or just want to raise money for charity, you will love this event. Runners come from all different backgrounds and have one thing in common; they love fun!
If running is not for you but you would still like to participate, you can register to become a colour bandit and take on the role of throwing paint at your friends and family.
The Colour5K experience
We spoke to Tony Emms, a trustee of Headway Essex and his daughter Paris, who have been taking part in the Colour5K for several years, about their experience of this event and how they’re preparing for this year.
Tony, who has been running for over 15 years, discovered Headway Essex through taking part in our Colour5K, after his brain operation in 2013. He initially volunteered for Headway Essex in 2015 and just a year later became a trustee. Tony told us what a fun event it is to be involved with. ‘One of our friends came and pushed her baby around in a pram all day just to be a part of this fantastic event!’ Paris added ‘it’s also great to do the Colour5K with friends and family, we always have such a good time and make sure to get plenty of photos on the day.’
We like to ensure our events are unique and memorable for everyone involved, Paris told us how much she ‘loves getting covered in coloured paint, it’s great fun’. Tony added ‘the paint throwing is fun and gives the run another dimension. You look forward to getting round to the next paint colour which are placed at every kilometer.’
Paris spoke to us about how she took part in the London Marathon this year too. ‘The Colour5K will be a great way for me to continue my running with my friends and family and have lots of fun doing it. I would like to try and improve my time for running a 5 kilometer distance and the Colour5K is a great place to start.’ Tony added ‘Paris has inspired me massively by completing the London Marathon so much so that I have applied for next year’s race, we are very proud of her.’
Raise money for a charity close to your heart
The Colour5K is also a great opportunity to raise money for charity. You can have a phenomenal day out participating in Headway Essex’s event and raise money for a charity close to your heart. Paris told us ‘my Dad and I have had fundraising pages before however our styles are slightly different! I used Justgiving and would share it on my Facebook page whereas Dad will email his contacts to let them know. It’s all raising money for a worthy local cause so it’s great we use multiple platforms. Our friends and family are very supportive which is great and there is a clear link to Headway Essex for me through my Dad being a trustee of the charity.’
Book your place
The Colour5K is a great event and one not to be missed. To book your place as a runner or as a colour bandit (and shower your friends and family with colour) visit www.colour5k.co.uk to sign up. If you would like further information on this event please email fundraising@headwayessex.org.uk or call 01206 547616.