At Headway Essex, we know that adjusting to life after brain injury can be very challenging and frustrating.
For young adults, living with an acquired brain injury can be particularly isolating. Understandably, they’ll want to get back to doing the things they did before their brain injury, but they might find this an almost impossible challenge.
“When you are with friends you just want to fit in. You can’t be bothered to explain things are different, so you have to work hard to appear as if nothing has changed.”
New pilot young ABI Group starting in January 2019
This is why we are launching the pilot of an exciting new group aimed at getting together young adults (18 to 30) who have an acquired brain injury.
The group will allow young adults to meet others in a similar situation and share successes, frustrations and challenges and develop insight into the effects of their injury and the impact it has on their life.
“When you are with people who have been through the same you can relax and be who you are.”
A focus on rehabilitation
Focused on rehabilitation, the group will provide tools and techniques for coping with acquired brain injury and help individuals develop confidence in social situations.
As well as the opportunity to build new friendships and get involved in social and fitness activities, the sessions will also cover support for returning to work and volunteering opportunities.
The meetings will be at Leisure World, Colchester and other venues in the community, starting on Friday 11 January 2019.
For further information
More information about the group can be found by downloading the document below:
If you are interested in attending the group, you need to register in advance by calling 01206 768797 or by e-mailing communitysupport@headwayessex.org.uk